Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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Text File
1,244 lines
1. Copyright Notice
2. Introduction
2.1. About this User's Guide
2.2. What is CoINFil?
3. Installation
3.1. Equipment Required
3.2. Installing CoINFil is simple.
3.3. Packing List
4. Getting Started
4.1. Quick Demo
4.2. Analyzing your own Investments
5. About CoINFil
5.1. Why was the program written?
5.2. What does the program do?
5.3. How does it work?
5.4. Before you can use the program, you must
5.5. To use the program
5.6. Input Files
5.7. Output Files
5.8. Menus
5.9. Graphs
6. Some Words from the Author
7. License and Registration
7.1. License
7.2. Registration
8. Warranty Statement
9. Appendices
9.1. Questions and Answers
9.2. Glossary
9.3. Error Messages
9.4. Registration Form
1 Copyright Notice
The CoINFil program and documentation are Copyright 1992 by E.
P. Rosack. All rights reserved.
The information in this guide is subject to change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the
author or EPR Services. The Author and EPR Services take no
responsibility for the use of any of the materials, methods, or
software described in this User's Guide.
The software described in this manual is furnished under a
license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of the agreement. Please refer to sections seven
and eight for warranty and license information.
2 Introduction
2.1 About this User's Guide
This Guide can be used in a number of ways. If you just want to
get started, read the installation and quick start sections (3
and 4) and get going.
To find out how the program works and understand some of the
theory it is based on, read section 5 and 6. Section 5.8 and
5.9 go through the menus in detail and can be used for
Sections 7 and 8 protect our rights.
Section 9 has some things that don't fit elsewhere, like a
glossary to explain terms, and some common questions and
answers. A list of error messages and some possible causes is
also included in section 9.
Conventions: CoINFil is menu driven. When discussing menus in
the text, the top level will be called a menu and the selection
within a menu will be called an item. These will be identified
in the text by Bold, Underlined Characters for the letter that
selects the particular menu and item.
2.2 What is CoINFil?
o The name stands for COmparative Investment aNalysis with
FILtered data. It is a technical analysis program that can be
used to predict the trend of an investment's total yield based
on past price data and dividends.
o The price and dividend data for a collection of investments is
stored together in a group. CoINFil uses Fourier transform
based frequency analysis and backtesting to remove noisy data
from price samples. The smoothed price data is added to the
dividend data to predict each investment's total yield. The
investment in a group with the highest predicted total yield is
o The program was inspired by the need to manage IRA and 401K
savings for maximum return. It was written by an engineer and
reflects an engineering approach to investment analysis. It is
based on the belief that fundamental analysis is flawed by the
actions of many non-fundamental factors on market prices, and
the belief that trends do exist in the market. In other words -
the random walk isn't.
3 Installation
3.1 Equipment Required
CoINFil will run on any nearly any PC compatible computer with a
minimum of 512K of memory. A disk drive with enough room for
the files (~300K) is required. Any video adapter capable of
displaying text can be used, but a CGA, EGA or VGA graphics
adapter is required to view the graphs in graphics mode.
CoINFil will run best from a fast 386 or 486 based computer,
since the Fourier algorithms are computation intensive. A
disk cache is highly recommended to speed up file access,
especially during backtesting of large files. A printer is
optional, but recommended for hard copy output. CoINFil will
use a mouse, if present. CoINFil's edit and list functions
require that you supply editor and listing programs (use your
favorite -- none are provided with CoINFil).
3.2 Installing CoINFil is simple.
1. Create a directory on your drive called COINFIL.
2. Copy the distribution files to the COINFIL directory.
3. If you are upgrading from version 1.0 of CoINFil, regenerate the
.HST files for any of your unique data by running backtest with
all enables off.
4. If you plan to use CoINFil with Windows, a .PIF file and ICON
are provided. You may need to edit the .PIF for use with your
3.3 Packing List
The following files are supplied on the CoINFil distribution
disk. If you obtain this program from a friend or download it
from a BBS, make sure that you have obtained all of these files:
4 Getting Started
4.1 Quick Demo
CoINFil is supplied with data for a demo group called INDICATE.
This data is not for any available investment, but rather for a
number of market indicators. It contains the NASDAQ 500 index,
the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Dow Jones Bond Index, the
one year treasury index and the prime rate. This file is the
default file for the program when it is first installed.
To begin, type CoINFil at the DOS prompt. CoINFil will start
and read in the INDICATE data and control files and display the
sign-on screen. Click on OK or hit enter.
You can now try the various menu options. For example, select
the Recommendations menu and the Review Recommendations item.
CoINFil will display the buy and sell advise for the indicate
data file along with a summary of results and a comparison to
buy and hold. Next, select the View menu and the Raw Price
item to display the prices (grey dots) versus the smoothed
prices (blue line).
It is a good idea to keep the INDICATE group data up to date.
It can serve as a check on your other investment groups. For
instance, if CoINFil indicates a "buy" recommendation for a
stock or mutual fund you are tracking, a "buy" for the DJIA
would be a confirming indicator.
4.2 Analyzing your own Investments
There are six steps to anayzing your own investments:
1. Define the investments you want to include in a group. They
should be ones that you can easily switch between. They should
also be varied, with some volatile and some calm investments.
2. Collect weekly data for all of the investments in the group. For
the analysis to be effective, CoINFil needs at least 15 to 25
weeks of data, and more is better. Historical data for
investments is available on GEnie and CompuServe in various
investment forums. The easiest way to get the data is to
download two years worth from these services.
3. Convert the data into CoINFil's ASCII format files. Use the
INDICATE files as an example. CoINFil is picky about the
format of the input files, but it will try to warn you if it
finds an error. Note: Future versions of CoINFil may offer
download capabilities if enough interest is shown. EPR Services
can also provide data files or conversions programs or services.
Contact us on GEnie if you are interested.
4. Run the backtest portion of the program to determine the best
parameters to use. Select the Enable Filter Analysis, Enable
Fit Analysis and Enable Band Analysis items on the Backtest menu
and then the Run Backtest item. CoINFil's algorithms will pick
what it thinks are the best parameters. The user must review
the COINFIL.OUT file after a backtest run to verify that
CoINFil has picked appropriate parameters. Sometimes the
parameters with the highest return are not useful due to the
number of switches they generate, or they may be incompatible
with the preferences of the investor. To see what investment
switches you would have made if you had followed CoINFil's
recommendations based on the current parameters, select the
Review Recommendations item in the Recommendations menu.
5. Each week, enter the new data by selecting the Edit Data file
item on the Edit menu, and add the new data to the end of the
6. Select the Generate Recommendations item from the Recommendation
menu to update the .HST file and display current buy, hold,
sell, or dump recommendations.
5 About CoINFil
5.1 Why was the program written?
o The initial motivation was dissatisfaction with existing
programs and methods of technical analysis. Programs tested did
not make intuitive sense, or a the profit they generated was
smaller than simple buy and hold, Other programs required the
user to adjust values without an efficient way to test the
o To keep records of investment prices, provide plots and listings
of the data in various ways, and make recommendations on which
ones to buy and sell based on parameters developed by
backtesting the data against the program's algorithms.
o Most company's 401K plans offer a choice of several investment
types (stock, mutual fund, bond fund, money market), and the
opportunity to switch between them several times a year.
o IRA's and 401K plans are unique in that there are no tax
consequences due to investment switching. In many cases there
are no broker's fees, commissions or any other cost associated
with these switches. This gives an IRA or 401K investor a
tremendous advantage over the person trying to manage taxable
investments, and it makes sense to examine how to take advantage
of the opportunity. The program has been designed with this in
o It is a program for long term investors. It is not set up for
short term traders, although the concepts could be applied over
short terms as well. Note that many plans do have a maximum
number of switches available in a year, so some restrictions may
apply to you. Investigate this carefully.
5.2 What does the program do?
o CoINFil stores price and dividend data for related investments
together in a group file. For example all investments available
in a particular 401K plan or a mutual fund family should be
stored in that plan or family's group.
o The user can edit and update the price data in the stored files.
The data is stored in ASCII format and any editor can be used
to change the file. CoINFil will call an editor you specify
from within the program. Note that no editor is supplied with
CoINFil. It defaults to DOS EDIT. You must use the options
menu to tell CoINFil what editor to call to edit investment data.
o Several views of the data can be presented. Raw, smoothed and
predicted price are available as well as yield curves and moving
averages. Graphs are available in text, CGA, EGA, or VGA modes.
Historical data and program generated output data can also be
viewed with a list program.
o For each investment in the group, CoINFil will make a
recommendation on what to do with that investment each week
(buy, hold, sell, dump).
o The program's algorithms use several parameters to determine
what to recommend. There is a section of the program that will
analyze the group data file to determine an optimum set of
parameters to use based on what would have worked the best in
the past. This is called backtesting.
5.3 How does it work?
o The input data is smoothed using a digital filtering technique
based on the Fourier and inverse Fourier transforms. Another
way to put this is that a spectrum analysis is performed on the
data. Some of the high frequency data is eliminated by the
program. Then the frequencies are changed back to price data
with the high frequency noise removed. The frequencies
eliminated are determined by the backtesting algorithms, and are
based on setting the cutoff frequency so that the resulting
smoothed data most closely matches the actual data. You can see
how this works by looking at the raw data graph in the view
menu. The gray dots are raw data prices with no filtering
performed. The blue line is the same data with the high
frequency noise removed. The blue line represents what CoINFil
thinks is the longer term trend. Since the curve used to fit
the data is a complex sinewave series, it can be much more
accurate than a straight line or other simpler methods. To
experiment with different filter values, use the plus and minus
keys to vary the selected filter and then hit the g key to
recalculate the smoothed blue line.
o The predicted yield for an investment is based on its estimated
dividend yield and it's future appreciation. The future
appreciation is computed using the last several (usually two)
points of Fourier smoothed data to extrapolate what the
appreciation would be if the trend continues. The dividend used
is straight out of the data file. CoINFil does not adjust the
dividend value when the price changes -- you must do it yourself.
o The predicted yields for all of the investments in a group are
compared and the best one is recommended.
5.4 Before you can use the program, you must:
1. Create a data file. The easiest way to do this is to copy the
INDICATE.* files to a new name and edit them as appropriate.
You can also use the Create a new group item in the File menu.
2. You must also establish the .CTL parameters using the backtest
portion of the program. There are several parameters that are
used by CoINFil:
o The first is the filter factor. CoINFil uses a high pass filter
function. The data is analyzed and divided into frequency
components. Then all frequencies above a cutoff are removed
from the data and the data is regenerated as a smoothed version
of the raw data. The filter factor sets the cutoff frequency
and determines the amount of smoothing applied by the filtering
algorithm. The lower the number, the smoother the data. The
higher the number, the noisier the data. What value should you
use? CoINFil will help to determine the best values by trying
every filter value in a range specified by the minfilter and
maxfilter parameters on the option menu. It tries each filter
value, determines the error produced by that filter value and
remembers which filter produced the least error. Some problems
can occur, which is why you must review the COINFIL.OUT file.
The higher the filter value, the more frequent the switches
recommended will be. You will need to examine the COINFIL.OUT
file after a backtest is run and confirm or select a different
filter value from the one chosen by CoINFil to reduce the number
of switches to a level allowed by your 401K plan or mutual fund
o Backtest also analyzes the data to determine a band parameter.
The band parameter prevents switches unless the difference in
yield between the investments exceeds the band. This is to
prevent switches from becoming too frequent and "whipsawing"
your investments (and feeding your broker's bank account). It
is determined by trying all band values and selecting one that
maximizes return over the period being tested. A higher band
value can also be used to reduce the number of switches, but
deviating from the value picked by the program may reduce the
o The last parameter determined by backtesting is fit. CoINFil
defines fit as the difference between the raw data value and the
smoothed data value. If the smoothed (or predicted) data value
is too different from the raw data value, it means that the raw
data is not behaving as CoINFil thinks it should. This
parameter is used by the program as an indication of when the
trend may be changing or when it is not predicting accurately.
For instance, the fit between the programs predicted values and
the actual price became very poor just before the 1987 crash,
and was a signal to the program to "dump" several holdings.
CoINFil indicates a "dump" if the raw data is far enough under
the predicted data and a "hold" if the raw data is above the
predicted even if the predicted yield is not the best of a group.
o One additional complication to backtesting is that these
parameters interact. That is, a change in the band can require
a change in fit to optimize the return. You may want to run the
initial backtest with all three backtest items selected. After
that is complete, and depending on the results, you could rerun
just the band or fit item to see if a better set of parameters
is obtained. As you experiment with the program, you will gain
experience in interpreting the backtesting results.
5.5 To use the program:
Each week, use CoINFil to perform the following steps.
1. Start the program and choose a group file to work with. CoINFil
defaults to the group file name that is stored in the .INI file,
but it can be started with a command line parameter that will
override the default. The default group file is written to the
COINFIL.INI file whenever the Write options to .INI item in the
File or Options menu item is selected.
2. Choose the Edit Data file item in the Edit menu to add the
latest week's data to the end of the file. Be sure to follow
the correct format.
3. Next, select the Generate Recommendations item from the
Recommendations menu to display what the program thinks you
should do this week based on the latest data. This item also
updates the .HST file by storing this latest recommendation at
the end of the file. The .HST file is a history of what the
program recommends for each week. It can be viewed with the
History File item or with the Predicted PriceGraph item on the
View menu.
4. After the .HST file is updated, you can select any of the view
items to examine the latest data.
You will only occasionally need to run the backtest portion of
the program. To backtest, perform the following steps:
1. Back up your .CTL and .HST files in case you want to return to
the starting values.
2. Clear the .OUT file by selecting Delete COINFIL.OUT file from
the File or Backtest menus (this is optional).
3. Plan your backtest run based on the type of computer you are
using and the amount of data to be processed. You will gain a
feeling for this as you use the program more, but as a general
guideline, expect a frequency analysis backtest for a group file
with several investments and 300 to 400 weeks of data to take
all night to run on a fast 386 computer. You can break this up
into small pieces by setting the min and max filter values on
the options menu. You might for instance do one run with min
filter at 1 and max at 5 and a second run with min filter at 6
and max at 10. Then you can look at the .OUT file and manually
enter the best filter value from both subruns in the .CTL file
using the Edit Control File item on the Edit menu. The fit and
band backtesting runs much faster, since they use the .HST files
as input data and do not need to recalculate the Fourier
4. Enable the analysis items you want to run on the Backtest menu
and select the Run Backtest item.
5. When the backtest is complete, examine the .OUT file with the
Output File item on the View menu. The program will have
written a record of the steps taken during the run and their
results. If you want to modify any parameters after viewing the
.OUT file, do so by selecting Edit Control File from the Edit
6. If you modify parameters, you should regenerate the .HST file.
Do this using the Run Backtest item in the Backtest menu with
all enables off.
5.6 Input Files
COINFIL.INI: This file contains the initialization and control
values used by CoINFil. The values in the file are described by
the program whenever you select an item in the Options menu.
The COINFIL.INI file is an ASCII file, however the user should
not normally edit this file, since all of the values can be set
from the CoINFil options menu.
group.DAT: This file contains dates, prices, and dividends for
each investment in the group. One entry is made for each
investment for each week. All price values are entered as
integer values (no decimal points). This is done to speed up
the calculations CoINFil has to perform. Use as many digits as
you can when entering prices, but remember to keep the values
between zero and 32,000. Normally, prices are entered in cents,
and dividends in percentage per year. A sample .DAT is shown
Date price div price div price div price div
9 27 91 3007 3.00 9703 8.60 1 8.00 1 5.70
10 4 91 2962 3.00 9730 8.60 1 8.00 1 5.50
10 11 91 2984 3.00 9703 8.60 1 8.00 1 5.40
10 18 91 3053 3.00 9725 8.60 1 8.00 1 5.36
10 25 91 3005 3.00 9687 8.60 1 8.00 1 5.33
11 1 91 3056 3.00 9740 8.60 1 8.00 1 5.39
11 8 91 3046 3.00 9786 8.60 1 7.50 1 5.15
11 15 91 2943 3.00 9771 8.60 1 7.50 1 5.00
group.CTL: This file contains the group investment names and
control values. Make sure that your investment names do not use
any delimmiting characters such as spaces, commas or quotation
marks. CoINFil uses these to separate the names from each other
in the file. The control values are developed by CoINFil using
the backtesting algorithms. A sample .CTL is shown below. A
filter value of -1 is used to tell CoINFil not to perform any
backtesting on that investment. Do this for investments that
have a constant price such as money market funds. Note that
every group must have at least one constant value investment.
The control value meanings are explained further in the glossary.
14.8 1 -1 -1
1.017 1.003 2 2
.9869998 .9949997 0 0
group.HST: See below. CoINFil also uses the .HST file as an
input for the backtesting algorithms when testing for band and
5.7 Output Files
COINFIL.INI: This file is also written by CoINFil when selected
by the user.
COINFIL.OUT: Holds the output data generated by the CoINFil
program during backtesting, ASCII graph output, or
recommendation review or generation.
group.HST: This file stores CoINFil's recommendations for each
investment in a group for each week there is data. CoINFil
appends recommendations to this file each time the user selects
the generate recommendations menu item. The recommendations
consist of a buy, hold, sell or dump assessment for each
investment. For sell or dump investments, CoINFil recommends
which investment to switch into. These recommendations are
based on the current values in the group.CTL files. If you
change the .CTL file (by editing or by backtesting) the .HST
file must be regenerated. CoINFil will do this automatically
when backtesting is run. The user must force it to happen when
the .CTL file is edited. You can force the .HST file to be
regenerated by selecting Run Back Test from the Back Test menu
with all enables turned off. A sample group.HST file is shown
--- 7 3 92 ---
'File Input Div Output Trend Fit
+DJIA , 3330 3.00 3318 -4.85 1.003 Sell. >Buy DJBI
+DJBI , 10036 8.60 10014 14.31 1.002 Hold.
+PRIME , 1 6.00 1 6.00 1.000 Hold.
+1YRTI , 1 4.14 1 4.14 1.000 Hold.
group.CTL: This file is also written to by CoINFil when
backtesting is selected.
5.8 Menus
CoINFil displays a menu bar across the top of the screen. To
select a menu item, hold down the ALT key and the first letter
of the menu to open the menu, and then select the item with the
hot key that is highlighted. You can use the mouse by clicking
on the desired menu and item. Arrow keys will also move between
menus and items and enter will select the item. The tab key can
be used to move between fields. CoINFil tries to use standard
key combinations, for instance ALT F X will exit from the
The table below describes the CoINFil menu structure.
Menu Item Description
File Open a different group file Displays the groups available
on the disk and opens the one you select.
File Change drive or directory Allows you to change the
location to read data files from.
File Create a new group file Creates skeleton group files
(.DAT and .CTL) you can use to start
collecting data.
File Merge group with open group This item allows you to
combine group files. You select another
group, and it is combined with the group
that is open when this item is selected.
Using this item and the delete investment
item from the edit menu, you can
rearrange your groups and create new
groups from existing ones. Be careful,
and backup your data before you start.
Note that each group can have a maximum
of eight investments, and both groups
must be up to date. If one group is
shorter that the other, CoINFil will fill
the beginning of the shorter group with
constant values.
File Delete CoINFil.OUT file Erases the COINFIL.OUT file. Use this
when the file becomes too large or when
you start a new backtest run.
File Write options to .INI file Saves the current options to the
File Dos Shell Shells to Dos. Type "exit" to return to
File Exit Exit the CoINFil program.
Menu Item Description
Edit Edit Data File Calls the editor program to edit the
currently selected group's data file.
Edit Edit Control File Calls the editor program to edit the
currently selected group's control file.
Use this item to manually modify the
backtest parameters stored in the .CTL
Edit Add an Investment Allows you to add an investment to a
group without typing in a value for each
date. This item fills in data for each
date with default values you provide.
Edit Delete an Investment Delete an investment from a group.
Edit Scale Prices Scale the price data by a constant (to
adjust for a capital gains distribution
or stock splits). Allows you to enter a
start and stop date for the scaling.
Edit Scale Dividends Scale the dividend data by a constant
(allows correction when dividends are
declared). Allows you to enter a start
and stop date for the scaling.
Menu Item Description
View Raw Price graph Displays a graph of the raw prices (gray
dots) versus the Fourier smoothed data
(blue line). The filter factor can be
changed with the + and - keys while in
graph mode (see the graph discussion)
View Predicted Price graph Displays a graph of the smoothed
price (blue line) versus the predicted
price (yellow or red line). The fit
values are also displayed as dotted lines
above and below the smoothed price line.
With color graphics modes, the predicted
price line is red if CoINFil issued a
'dump' or 'sell' recommendation for that
investment at that time. It will be
yellow if CoINFil issued a 'buy' or
'hold' recommendation.
View Moving Average graph Displays a graph of the raw prices
(gray dots) versus a moving average of
the prices (blue line). CoINFil does not
use moving averages, but will display
them for comparison purposes. The number
of weeks in the average can be changed
with the + and - keys while in graph mode.
View Yield graph Displays a graph of the actual yield by
week (gray dots) versus CoINFil's
predicted yield (blue line).
View History file Calls the list program to display the
currently selected group's .HST file.
View Output file Calls the list program to display the
View Documentation Calls the list program to display the
Menu Item Description
dations Generate Recommendations Generates recommendations based on the
currently selected group's .DAT and .CTL
files and appends them to the .HST file.
You should do this once each week after
you enter that week's data.
dations Review Recommendations Analyzes the currently selected group's
.HST file and lists the trades made over
the length of the file. CoINFil also
calculates the return you would have
received by following its recommendations
and compares it to buy and hold returns
for each investment. Writes output to
dations Graph Recommendations Displays a graph of the program's
recommendations and the calculated total
yield that resulted. The recommendations
are shown at the top of the screen as a
number of dots. The number represents
which investment was recommended at that
time. A list of investments in the group
is displayed at the lower right on the
graph. The yield is displayed for the
investment that was recommended as a blue
Menu Item Description
Back Test Enable Filter Analysis A toggle to enable or disable the filter
analysis portion of backtesting. Marked
with >> when enabled. To run the filter
or any other portion of the backtest, you
must first enable it here and then select
the Run Back Test item from this menu.
Back Test Enable Fit Analysis A toggle to enable or disable the fit
analysis portion of backtesting. Marked
with >> when enabled.
Back Test Enable Band Analysis A toggle to enable or disable the band
analysis portion of backtesting. Marked
with >> when enabled.
Back Test Delete CoINFil.OUT Erases the COINFIL.OUT file. Use this
when the file becomes too large or when
you start a new backtest run.
Back Test Run Back Test Starts backtesting. Make sure all .INI
and enable parameters are set to what
you want them to be before you select
this item. See discussion of backtesting.
Also writes results to COINFIL.OUT and
the group .CTL files
Menu Item Description
Options Min Samples Min samples is the smallest number of
samples that are required to perform a
Fourier transform. The more samples that
you use, the longer you have to wait
before you can start predicting, and the
better the predictions should be (25 is a
good place to start). Min samples may
also be changed when you graph the
predicted price or the yield since the
program will use the value that was
current group's .HST file was created
Options Max Samples Max samples is the most number of data
points used in the Fourier transforms.
The program is sized for a maximum of
400, and will use as many as are
available, up to this limit. Using less
than 400 will speed up the program but
possibly reduce the accuracy of
Options Extrapolation Samples Extrapolation samples is the number of
most recent data points used in the least
squares extrapolation. A small value
will cause the program to react quickly
to changes, and a larger value causes the
program to switch less frequently. A
value of 2 works well.
Options Min Filter Min filter is the lower limit used when
searching for the best filter to use for
an investment. A larger number will make
the analysis routines run for a shorter
time, but may possibly cause the program
to miss a good filter value.
Options Max Filter Max filter is the upper limit used when
searching for the best filter to use for
an investment. A larger number will make
the analysis routines take longer. A
small number might cause the program to
miss a good filter value.
Options Sound When sound is on, CoINFil will announce
errors with a `whoops' sound. If this
annoys you, turn sound off.
Options Graph Type Select Text mode graphs (this will also
copy data to the COINFIL.OUT file), CGA,
EGA, or VGA mode graphs to match the
output to your monitor type.
Options Colors Select the menu color scheme.
Options Editor Name Enter the name of the editor program that
you want CoINFil to call to edit the
control and data files. This defaults
to the DOS EDIT command until you change
Options List Program Name Enter the name of the file lister program
that you want CoINFil to call to list the
.HST and COINFIL.OUT files. This
defaults to the DOS TYPE command until
you change it.
Options Write .INI File Select `OK' to save these values to the
COINFIL.INI file. Select `Cancel' to
bypass the file write. CoINFil will
still use these values for the current
session. In addition to the parameters
shown on the menu, the current group name
is saved and becomes the default the next
time the program is started.
Menu Item Description
CoINFil About CoINFil Displays the version number and
registration information. Also gives
advice or guidance in the form of an
investment related quotation.
5.9 Graphs
CoINFil can display a number of graphs. If you select text mode
the graphs are displayed using characters and written to the
COINFIL.OUT disk file. If you have one of the common graphics
cards, CoINFil will detect it and set the graph mode
automatically. In CGA, Hercules, EGA or VGA mode, the following
keys are active while CoINFil is displaying a graph (the keys
that are not available when the predicted prices or yield are
displayed are indicated with a No in the second column):
and Yield
Key graphs? Action
x Yes Exit. Return to CoINFil's main menu.
c Yes Change to the next investment in the group.
z Yes Zoom. Enlarges the latest portion of data.
u Yes Unzoom. Brings in more of the older data.
0 Yes Zero. Makes the bottom of the screen equal to zero
instead of equal to the lowest price for the investment
during the period plotted.
l Yes Low. Makes the bottom of the screen equal to the lowest
price for an investment during the period plotted..
n Yes Normalize. Makes the top of the screen equal to a power
of 10 times 1, 2, or 5. Makes the bottom equal to zero or a
power of 10 times 1, 2 or 5. Most useful for the yield
+ No Plus. Increases the filter factor or the number of weeks in the
average. Has no effect until the g key is pressed.
- No Minus. Decreases the filter factor or the number of weeks in the
average. Has no effect until the g key is pressed.
g No Go. Recalculates and displays graph based on the latest value of
filter or weeks.
r Yes Reset. Resets the scale and filter to the default values.
6 Some Words from the Author
Thank you for your support for the program and for taking the
time to read the user's guide. CoINFil is a complicated
program, but it offers many advantages once it is understood.
If you understand the program and use it, it will make sense
(cents). Over a period of a year or more, it shows a marked
advantage over the buy and hold strategy for most groups of
investments. It was a challenging program to write and would
not have been possible to develop for personal computers until
quite recently when more powerful processors have become
available. Please continue reading the guide, and please pay
special attention to the warranty statement. This program is
being made available for your use under the terms of the
license, but you are responsible for what you do with the
program. Neither EPR Services or myself are accountable for
what happens when you use this program.
CoINFil is designed to track trends and make recommendations
based on those trends. The future is constantly changing, and
the program does not claim to be able to predict the future. It
simply makes a very good guess about what the current trends
are. Trends change, and many factors are not known by the
program. If interest rates change, a war starts, or congress
balances the budget, all investments would be profoundly
affected. CoINFil can not predict these events or others such
as bankruptcy or dividend reductions. The point is that you
must use your own judgment and that this program is just one of
the tools that you can use to make investment decisions. You
must still be a prudent investor. Diversity and fundamentals
are a very important base to begin from. Tracking trends among
a group of losers is no way to increase your net worth.
7 License and Registration
7.1 License
This software and the disks on which it is contained are
licensed to you for your own use. This is copyrighted software.
You are not obtaining title to the software or any copyright
rights. You may not sublicense, rent, lease, convey, modify,
translate, convert to another programming language, decompile or
disassemble the software for any purpose.
You may make as many copies of this software as you need for
backup purposes. You may use this software on more than one
computer, provided there is no chance it will be used
simultaneously on more than one computer. If you need to use
the software on more than one computer simultaneously, please
contact EPR Services for information about site licenses.
Individual users may freely copy this disk and share it with
friends and family. Nonprofit groups (including user groups and
BBSs) may distribute copies of this disk provided that the fee
charged to cover the cost of copying disks does not exceed
$5.00. Disk distributors and dealers must have written
permission before selling copies of this program.
7.2 Registration
This program is shareware. It is a fully functional version
of the CoINFil program. You are granted a license to use this
software for a period of 60 days. At the end of this period you
are required to register your copy to continue using CoINFil.
The registration fee is $35.00 (including shipping). Registered
users will receive the latest version of the software, an up to
date INDICATE.DAT file, one additional update free, and a
utility program to convert CIS format historical quotes to
CoINFil format. Registered users will also receive a printed
copy of the user's manual and free technical support via GEnie
or CompuServe (details sent with registration). In addition,
there are versions of CoINFil that are tailored for specific
hardware that are only available to registered users. To
register a copy of CoINFil, fill in the form in the back of the
manual and mail along with your check for $35.00 to EPR Services.
8 Warranty Statement
Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability
for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation
may not apply to you.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
Florida and shall inure to the benefit of EPR Services and any
successors , administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or
proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out
of or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a STATE
or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in Volusia
County, Florida. The parties hereby consent to in personam
jurisdiction of said courts.
9 Appendices
9.1 Questions and Answers
1. How do you print CoINFil graphs? You must use the DOS print
screen function to print from within the program. Load the DOS
graphics program before you start CoINFil and print the graph
screens by pressing shift printscreen.
2. How much data is needed to run CoINFil? You can't have enough
data! The more data, the better the backtest algorithms should
work. Different conditions may not show up in short time
intervals. Rising and falling markets need to be represented so
that the parameters derived by backtesting accurately reflect
the investments behavior in a wide variety of conditions. A
second consideration is the composition of the investment group.
A wide variety of investments will give the program more to
choose from. In addition to different types of investments,
consider investments of the same type with different volatility.
3. I don't understand the difference between listing the history
file and reviewing recommendations. What's the difference? The
.HST file contains a recommendation for each investment in the
group. CoINFil makes a recommendation for an investment even if
it hasn't recommended holding that investment for some time. It
does this so that a user can begin following CoINFil
recommendations at any time, and not just when CoINFil
recommends a switch. The review history function analyzes the
.HST file to display which single investment CoINFil recommends
at any one time, the switches between investments recommended by
CoINFil, and the results obtained (balance and gain).
4. The yield and predicted data graphs for my investment group
sometimes show a very high or low value for the most recent
date. I checked the .DAT file and the price information is
correct. What's wrong? It's possible that you forgot to update
the .HST file after you entered the data in the .DAT file. You
must select the Generate Recommendations item from the
recommendations menu to append the latest week's recommendations
to the .HST file.
5. I selected the recommendations item more than once during a
week and now my .HST file has more than one entry for the week.
How do I fix this? The extra entries should not do any
harm, but you can edit the .HST file with any ASCII text
editor to remove them. If your .HST file gets really
corrupted, you can regenerate it with the backtest menu by
leaving all enables off and selecting run backtest.
6. What's the easiest way to get my data into CoINFil's format?
CoINFil uses a straightforward ASCII format for storing data.
You can edit CoINFil's files using an editor capable of reading
and writing ASCII files. You can also output ASCII files from
many spreadsheet and use an editor to clean up the format. EPR
Services has many file translation utilities available, and a
utility to convert from CompuServe historical quote format is
provided with registration. Registered users may also contact
us on GEnie to see if one is available for data that you have.
7. This program runs very slowly on my computer. How can I speed
it up? CoINFil will run slowly when the amount of data you are
processing gets large. This is because the Fourier transform
programs are computation intensive and use many sine and cosine
calculations. The use of a math coprocessor chip greatly speeds
up these computations. If you don't have a coprocessor chip,
order version 1.0 N of CoINFil when you register. This version
is compiled with an alternate math library that is about 4 times
faster than the general version for computers without a
coprocessor. You should also run CoINFil with a disk cache.
This will speed up file operations and make fit and band
backtesting run much faster.
8. The dividend yield is entered as a percent, but this will change
as the price of a stock goes up or down. Why doesn't the
program adjust for this? Maybe it should, but for now, it
relies on the user to enter the correct dividend.
9. Why is this program better than other technical analysis
programs? What makes it better in my mind is that it is not
contrived. The algorithm is based on something that makes
sense, not arbitrary patterns that someone has recognized.
CoINFil has also been tested against several groups of
investments going back to 1985, and it beats a buy and hold
strategy consistently. Compared to moving averages, the use of
Fourier transforms to smooth the data does not introduce time
lags. The Fourier transform also fits a sine wave summation to
the data giving a more accurate fit than a straight line or
other approximations. This program provides everything you
need to monitor trends -- the parameters can be changed by the
user and tested without purchasing a separate program.
10. If this program is so good, why aren't you rich? I'm getting
9.2 Glossary
band: The difference between the investment trends required
before a switch will take place.
dividend: CoINFil uses the estimated annual dividend (in
percent / year) to determine the total yield for an investment
filter: The filter factor used by the program. Filter is
proportional to the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter used
to remove noise from the data. A lower number will generate
smoother data.
fit: The difference between the predicted price and the actual
price. 1 if input and predicted price are equal. <1 if input
lower than predicted. >1 if input more than predicted. Fit is
a function of the market as a whole, the volatility of the
individual investments, and the parameters in the group.CTL file.
fit high: If the fit is equal to 1, the program output is
tracking the input data very well. The fit high parameter is
used by the program to determine when not to buy in. When the
fit is above fit high, the investment is too costly to purchase.
fit low: If the fit is less than fit low, the program is not
tracking the input data very well. This is an indication to
avoid this investment or dump it if you are currently holding it.
Fourier transform: A method invented by Mr. Fourier that
decomposes any signal into a collection of sine waves. Each
sine wave has a frequency and an amplitude. Once a signal has
been decomposed, various frequency components can be isolated by
removing them from the signal description. The signal can be
reconstructed without those frequency components by performing
an inverse Fourier Transform. In theory, Fourier transforms can
isolate the low frequency trend from the high frequency noise.
group: A related collection of investments that you want to
analyze as a group. All of the price and dividend data for a
group is stored in the group.DAT file and the control values for
the group are stored in the group.CTL file. Examples would be
all of the available investments in a mutual fund family; the
different choices available in your companies 401K plan;
several stocks that you are interested in and want to compare.
investment: An individual investment within a group. Examples
would be a money market fund, a bond fund, a mutual fund, a
stock, or even savings bonds.
price: CoINFil uses Friday's closing price for each investment.
trend: This is CoINFil's term for the projected annual yield.
It is based on an interpolation of the last several smoothed
data points, added to the dividend. CoINFil will recommend the
investment in a group with the highest predicted trend as long
as the difference in trends exceeds the band for a group and as
long as the investment's price is not too different from the
predicted price (the allowable difference is determined by the
fit parameters).
9.3 Error Messages
There are no files present in this directory -- You have changed
to a directory with no .DAT files. Change back to the directory
with your CoINFil files.
Both group names are the same! Group names must be different
for merge. -- To merge files, you have to specify two different
file names.
Too many investments. The total number of investments must be 8
or less. -- You tried to merge two groups and the total number of
investments in both is more than eight. You will have to
delete investment(s) or organize groups differently
The files do not end on the same date. Both files must be
current to merge. -- When you merge two data files, they must both
be current. They can be different lengths and CoINFil will fill
the beginning of the short file.
There are 8 investments in this group. Can not add another. -- You
tried to add an investment to a group with eight investements.
Delete one or organize the groups differently.
The group.ctl file does not exist!! -- Could not find the .CTL
file. Is this a new group? If so, you need a .CTL file. Use
an existing one for a model and edit it to put in the correct
names and control values.
There is no investment in this group with a filter factor set to
less than zero. Every group must have one investment that has a
constant value (typically a money market fund) to serve as a
default investment for times when the other investments in a
group are not suitable. This constant value investment is
signified by setting the filter factor to -1 in the CTL file.
Please correct this. -- Add a money market fund to this group.
The algorithm won't work unless it has a constant value
investment to bail out to when everthing else goes south.
Month number is out of range. -- Dates in the .DAT file are messed
up. Could be caused by other format errors too.
Day number is out of range. -- Dates in the .DAT file are messed
up. Could be caused by other format errors too.
Year number is out of range. -- Dates in the .DAT file are messed
up. Could be caused by other format errors too.
Price data is negative. -- How did this happen? Check your .DAT
file for format errors.
There are too many data items in this file. The program is
limited to data for 400 dates (or less). To use this file you
will have to delete 1 or more lines from the beginning of the
file. -- Well, you maxed out. Delete some data.
There is a problem with the data in the last line of the group
file. Please check before you continue. -- Some garbage at the
end of the file?
The group.HST file does not exist. Do you want the program to
recreate it for you? -- Did it get deleted? The Run Back Test
item will fix this for you.
9.4 Registration Form
The registration fee is $35.00 (including shipping). Registered
users will receive the latest version of the software and the
INDICATE.DAT FILE and one additional update free. Registered
users will also receive a printed copy of the user's manual and
a utility program that converts CompuServe format historical
quotes to CoINFil format. EPR services will provide technical
support to registered users via GEnie and / or CompuServe
(details will be provided to registered users). In addition,
there are versions of CoINFil that are tailored for specific
hardware and that are only available to registered users. To
register a copy of CoINFil, fill in this form and mail along
with your check for $35.00 to EPR Services.
EPR Services
1106 Sherbourne Way
Ormond Beach, FL. 32174
CITY:_________________________, STATE:_________
Version Description
1.3 G Runs with any processor 8088 - 80486. Does not require
math coprocessor - will use one if present
1.3 T Includes code for 286 and above processors.
1.3 N Ignores math coprocessor, but will run up to 4 times
faster than 1.3 G on computers without a coprocessor chip
1.3 NT Combines versions N and T.
Please give us your comments on the CoINFil program below.